At every age of our lives, from when we’re children to when we have children and grandchildren of our own, having a rich social life is key to both our emotional health and physical well-being. As the poet Edward Young said, “Friendship’s the wine of life.” Or, perhaps even more relatable, “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate” (author Linda Grayson). 

Here are just a few ways that friendships and relationships enrich our lives and health.

Improved Emotional Health

Regular social interaction has been proven to reduce the risk and symptoms of depression and other mood-related disorders. Spending time with friends and family, whether it’s in person or on the phone or video call, helps with mood regulation by stimulating the amygdala, the part of our brain that controls emotion, memory, and motivation. Which brings us to…

Better Memory and Cognitive Function

Socializing helps to sharpen your memory skills and strengthen your brain. Staying engaged and keeping up conversations with friends and family helps build and sustain the neural networks within our brains. From short- and long-term memory retention to building relationships, social interactions help keep our lives fulfilling and engaging.

Stronger Physical Health

Social activity helps lower our risk of certain conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. In addition to the therapeutic and relaxing benefits of conversations and bonding, group activities like walking, biking, and exercise classes encourage our bodies to stay moving and maintain healthy habits as part of a larger peer group.

Ways to Get Started

Looking to bolster your social life? Here are a few ways to start:

  • Eat communal meals with friends and family. Breakfast, lunch, and dinnertime are all perfect times to reconnect and make plans for the day. 
  • Volunteer at local organizations. Not only will you give back to your community, you’ll also get to meet like-minded people who share your passions. 
  • Explore group activities and clubs. From crafting classes to exercise programs to sports teams, group activities are the perfect environment to meet new people and forge lasting friendships based on common interests. 

Endless Social Opportunities at Moldaw

Living in a senior living community gives you countless opportunities to enjoy old friendships and make new ones. From clubs and sports to restaurant-style meals and fitness groups, retirement communities like Moldaw are designed to help you share, laugh, and socialize with those around you. Visit our website to explore our upcoming events, and reach out to learn if our friendly retirement community is right for you.

Visit us:
899 East Charleston Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303

Call us:
(650) 433-3600

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